Here in this post wee will see the  F-16I Soufa Multirole Fighter jet














129.4kN (29,000lb)




Over Mach 2



F-16I Soufa (Storm) is an adjusted variation of the F-16D square 50 and 52 contender and ground assault aircraft, with the flying and weapons frameworks capacity changed to meet the requirements of the Israeli Air Force. Israel requested 50 F-16I aircraft in 2001 and consented to the arrangement for a discretionary extra 52 aircraft in September 2001. The Israeli Air Force has chosen the F16I in a two-seat arrangement as it were. 

The creation program, called Peace Marble V, is the fifth obtaining of F-16s. It increased the number of Israeli Air Force F-16 aircraft to 362, giving the IAF the largest fleet of F-16 fighters apart from the US.

The F16I made its maiden flight in December 2003. The initial two aircraft were conveyed to the IAF at the Ramon Air Base, in February 2004. Conveyances were finished at a pace of around two per month more than four years, with conclusive conveyance in 2009. There is a noteworthy degree of airframe co-creation and flying segment creation in Israel for the Soufa and for different variations of the F-16. IAI and Cyclone Aviation Products in Carmiel manufacture the ventral fins, rudders, horizontal stabilisers and engine access doors. The aircraft are assembled at the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics facility in Fort Worth, Texas.

In September 2009, the IAF incidentally grounded the F-16I from preparing tasks after a fly experienced motor disappointment.

F-16I Soufa fighter design

The F-16I is fitted with a couple of removable conformal fuel tanks gave by IAI. The conformal fuel tanks (CFT), holding 450gal of additional fuel, are mounted on the two sides of the upper fuselage. The low drag arrangement CFTs have a little impact on the aircraft's dexterity, taking care of value and flight limits. The utilization of the conformal tanks expands the airplane's crucial and battle perseverance.

The fitting of conformal tanks makes the two wing inward store stations ordinarily utilized for outer tanks (stations 6 and 4, each evaluated at 4,500lb limit) accessible for weapon carriage, doubling the aircraft’s air-to-ground weapons capacity.

F-16I Soufa is fitted with a dorsal flight compartment. The principal adaptation created with the dorsal compartment was the Israeli two-seat square 30 F-16D aircraft, delivered in the last part of the 1980s. The large dorsal compartment extends from the rear of the cockpit to the fin and houses additional avionics systems, chaff and flare dispensers and the aircraft’s in-flight refuelling receptacle.


The front cockpit is for the pilot and the back cockpit is arranged for the weapons frameworks administrator or, with the difference in a solitary switch, for a pilot teacher. 

The Elbit Dash IV show and sight head protector framework empowers the pilot to point the weapon by looking the objective. Run IV abbreviates the lock-on system time for commitment. The cap quantifies the pilot's view to the objective so the sensors, flight and weapons are slaved to the objective. Run IV improves circumstance mindfulness by helping the pilots to outwardly recognize focuses at high edges off the nose of the airplane, giving basic data toward any path the pilot looks.

The F-16I is fitted with a wide angle head up display from Elop and high definition (120ppi) 4in x 4in colour multi-function displays supplied by Astronautics CA of Petah Tikva, Israel.

Other new highlights incorporate a shading moving guide show, computerized video recording hardware, cockpit lighting and outside strip lighting viable with night vision goggles and a high limit information move set.

F-16I Soufa fighter avionics

The aircraft has an advanced avionics suite including general avionics computer, colour display processors and interfaces all produced by Elbit Systems.

The interchanges frameworks incorporate a Rafael UHF/VHF radio and a HF radio, Elta satellite correspondences and an IAI coordinated strategic video information interface.

The navigation system includes a combined ring laser gyro inertial navigation system and global positioning system (RLGINS/GPS) and a digital terrain system. Rafael built up the calculations for the advanced landscape framework. 

In June 2008, Elbit frameworks provided the F-16I test system framework that is viable with the aircraft flight and cockpit.

Weapon systems

Elbit provided the aircraft's focal strategic, the sign preparing unit for the presentations and the stores the board frameworks. RADA Electronics Industries in Netanya, Israel, and Smiths Aerospace, USA, have built up the airplane's information securing framework with a serious computerized information worker and information recording framework. Israel Military Industries supplies the vast majority of the weapons arches and racks and the outer fuel tanks. 

The mission information and video is downloaded to a ground questioning station gave by RADA. The framework has potential for three-dimensional, multi-aircraft strategic.

The Rafael Litening II targeting and navigation pod is equipped with a third-generation forward looking infrared (FLIR), charge-coupled device (CCD) television, laser spot tracker and rangefinder and infrared marker. The framework empowers the pilot to recognize, distinguish, gain and track ground focuses for the conveyance of ordinary and exactness guided weapons, for example, laser guided or GPS guided bombs. 

The aircraft is likewise furnished with the Lockheed Martin LANTIRN route unit which gives night route and all-climate programmed landscape following.

Air-to-air missiles

The aerial rockets are the short range Python 4 and Python 5 and the short range to past visual range radar-guided Derby, both provided by Rafael. 

The all-climate Derby has a functioning radar searcher, peer down/kill capacity, lock on previously or after dispatch, and programmable electronic counter countermeasures (ECCM). The lock on before dispatch mode is conveyed for tight dogfights.

F16I is equipped with the Rafael Python 5 air-to-air missile. The Python 5 is fit for lock on after dispatch and uses imaging infrared direction. The new searcher utilizes a double frequency central plane cluster and is outfitted with hearty infrared counter countermeasures capacity.

Air-to-ground systems

The air-to-surface weapons are carried on the two pairs of inboard underwing stations and include anti-ship missiles, anti-radiation missiles, laser guided bombs, GPS guided bombs and Israeli Military Industries (IMI) runway attack munitions. The F-16 aircraft has been used in carriage trials of IMI’s STAR-1 anti-radiation weapon which is in the development phase.

F-16I fighter countermeasures

The electronic fighting suite, being provided by Elisra, incorporates radar cautioning recipients, rocket approach warners, and sticking frameworks, including the Elisra SPS 3000 self-assurance jammer, which is introduced in the huge spine. The debris and flare distributor is provided by Rokar.

F-16I radar

The airpcraft has the Northrop Grumman AN/APG-68(V)9 multi-mode radar, which has multiple times the preparing velocity and multiple times the memory limit of the past APG-68 radars on the F-16. Elta is associated with the co-creation of the radar.

The methods of activity incorporate high goal manufactured gap (SAR) ground planning and landscape following. The radar gives self-governing, all-climate, deadlock exactness weapon conveyance. Aerial modes incorporate range while search, air battle mode, various objective track while examine, group goal, single objective following and target light heartbeat Doppler following. The radar expands the aerial discovery go by 30% contrasted with before age frameworks.


The fighter is powered by the Pratt and Whitney F100-PW-229 increased performance engine (IPE). This new, more powerful engine allows the aircraft a maximum take-off weight  23,582kg. The aircraft is also fitted with heavyweight landing gear.

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