Here in this post, we will see the K2 Black Panther Main Battle Tank.

Specifications :
One 120mm gun, one 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and one 12.7mm heavy machine gun
Country users:
South Korea
Designer Company:
Hyundai Rotem - South Korea
advanced fire-control system, active protection system, NBC protection system, day/Night vision, thermal vision, automatic fire suppression system, snorkel
Composite covering insurance and ERA Explosive Reactive Armor squares.
55,000 kg
70 km/h
450 km
Lenght: 10.7 m; Width: 3.6 m; Height: 2.4 m

Description :
The K2 Black Panther is another age of main battle tank (MBT) planned, created and produced in South Korea by the South Korean Company Hyundai Rotem. The K2 was revealed just because to general society during the Defense Exhibition ADEX at the Seoul Airport in October 2009. This new tank will supplant the old M48 Patton principle fight tank right now in administration with the South Korea armed force. South Korean organization Hyundai Rotem marked on 29 December, 2015, an agreement to flexibly an unknown number of K2 (Black Panther) fundamental fight tanks (MBTs) to the Republic of Korea Army (RoKA). The South Korean government and Hyundai Rotem marked a $820 million agreement for 100 K2 MBTs in 2014. The ROKA at present works 100 K2tanks fitted with a permit fabricated German MTU 883 diesel motor and Renk transmission framework. Generally, the ROKA has a necessity for more than 600 K2 tanks (a few sources state 400) supplementing its K1 MBT power and supplanting its maturing armada of M48 Patton MBTs as they are as a rule gradually eliminated. The Turkish-made primary fight tank Altay utilizes the innovation frameworks produced for the South Koreana K2 MBT by Hyundai Rotem. Altay will have the more grounded case qualities of the K2 Black Panther MBT. It will have a re-structured Turkish turret and heavier protective layer than the K2. In late September 2013, South Korea entered the K2 Black Panther in the Peruvian Army's future tank rivalry. On January 18, 2020, a South Korean newspaper has announced that South Korea could sell 800 K2 main battle tanks to Poland.

- K2 PIP: an improved version of the initial production model of the K2 that will be released within the next few years. Improvements will include:
* Upgrading the Semi-Active In-arm Suspension Unit.
* Integration of a high-goal landscape checking framework to the vehicle's suspension framework. This is purported to allow the vehicle to "plan ahead" by scanning nearby terrain up to 50 meters away in all directions and calculate the optimal position of the intruders so as to improve vehicle taking care of over lopsided landscape.
* Integration of a hard-kill anti-missile system.
* Addition of Non-Explosive Reactive Armor (NERA).
* Potentially displacing the 120 mm/L55 weapon with an electrothermal-compound gun, which will in a general sense grow the vehicle's capacity and likely payload.
The principle deadly implement of the K2 Black Panther comprises of a German-made Rheinmetall 120-mm/L55 smoothbore firearm created under permit in South Korea . The firearm is fitted with a programmed loader which guarantees the stacking of shots moving in any event, when the vehicle proceeds onward lopsided surfaces. The 120mm weapon can discharge around 10 rounds for every moment. With an all out flexibly of 40 different rounds, the Black Panther can rain inferno on a foe position for about three minutes before requiring a resupply. A total of 16 rounds are stored in the autoloader and 24 rounds are stored inside the hull. The K2 can shoot a wide scope of weapons utilizing its primary firearm including, yet not restricted to, an indigenously created and improved tungsten APFSDS active vitality penetrators, which offer fundamentally preferred infiltration over the past age tungsten adjusts, and multi-reason HEAT compound vitality adjusts like the American M830A1 HEAT MP-T that can be utilized against staff, unarmored and daintily protected vehicles on the ground just as low-flying helicopters. A 7.62 mm coaxial assault rifle is mounted to one side of the fundamental deadly implement. A 12.7 mm K-6 overwhelming automatic rifle is mounted on the upper right of the turret. Visual and Infrared Screening Smoke (VIRSS) explosive launchers mounted on each side at the front of the turret likewise supplement the guarded layer of the Black Panther.

Design and protection:
The layout of the K2 MBT is conventional, with the driver's compartment at the front, fighting compartment in the centre and engine and transmission at the rear. The shield on the Black Panther comprises of an obscure kind of composite covering and an Active Defense System using Explosive Reactive Armor squares. The K2 has a crew of three with driver at the front center of the hull and commander and gunner in the turret. Systems protection of the K2 includes a millimeter band radar system mounted on the turret which is used as a Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS) The tank's PC thus can locate approaching shots, quickly caution the vehicle group and shoot Visual and Infrared Screening Smoke (VIRSS) projectiles, which can viably square optical, infrared and radar marks. When the hard-murder AMS is introduced, the radar framework will likewise be liable for following and focusing on the approaching rockets for the AMS. The K2 additionally has a Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and radar jammer. Four all-bearing Laser cautioning recipients (LWR) are additionally present to alarm the team should the vehicle become "painted", and the PC can likewise shoot VIRSS projectiles toward the path that the pillar is originating from.
The K2 Black Panther was recently mechanized with a MT 833 diesel motor from Tognum, however the most recent form of the tank is presently fitted with a permit assembled German MTU 883 diesel motor and Renk transmission framework. The engine generates 1,500 hp. also, gives a capacity to weight proportion of 27.3hp/t. The completely programmed transmission of the K2 incorporates five forward and three opposite riggings. The K2 can run at a most extreme speed 70 km/h on surface streets, while having the option to keep up speeds up to 48 km/h on rough terrain conditions. It can quicken from 0 to 32 km/h inside 7 seconds. It can likewise climb 60 degree inclines and vertical hindrances 1.3 meters in tallness. Suspension of the K2 Black Panther comprises each side of six double elastic tyred roadwheels, track-return rollers with drive sprocket at the back and idler at the front. The upper some portion of the suspension is secured by a shielded skirt. The K2 Black Panther handle a serious suspension framework, called the In-arm Suspension Unit (ISU), which takes into account singular control of each bogie on the tracks. This allows the tank to kneel so that the main armament can be depressed to -10º.

The K2 Black Panther is equipped with an advanced fire-control system (FCS) linked to a millimeter band radar system deployed on the frontal arc of the turret, along with a traditional laser range-finder and crosswind sensor. The framework is equipped for a "lock-on" mode, which can secure and follow explicit focuses up to a scope of 9.8 km utilizing warm optics. This permits the team to fire precisely while moving just as successfully connect low-flying airplane. The heavy armament specialist sight incorporates Gunner's Primary Sight (KGPS) and leader is outfitted with Korean Commander's Panoramic Sight (KCPS). The commander has the ability to override the command to take control of the turret and gun from the gunner. The K2 Black Panther is fitted with an aggregate atomic, natural and synthetic (NBC) insurance framework. The ammo compartment is furnished with a pass over board for ensuring the group against the blast of ammo. A programmed fire concealment framework is customized to identify and extinguish any inward fires that may happen, and air sensors alert the group if the tank enters an unsafe domain. The K2 can cross rivers as deep as 5 meters using a snorkel system, which also serves as a conning tower for the tank commander. The system takes approximately 30 minutes to prepare. The turret gets watertight while fording, yet the undercarriage can take in 500 gallons of water to keep exorbitant lightness from air inside the vehicle and keep the tracks planted solidly on the ground. Moreover, the tank can enter battle prepared status when it reemerges.